To the Editor:
(Town of Madison, NY – April 2013) The Madison Planning Board’s workshop to consider the Wind Advisory Committee’s proposed wind law was not only a sham, it was also profoundly depressing. I was naïve.
I believed that the hard work of the Committee would be appreciated. I was (and still am) proud of the result: a proposed law that represents an honest and thoughtful attempt to balance the interests of those members of this community who wish to live close to and among industrial machines and those who do not. Unfortunately, neither the Committee nor the proposed law has been or will be given honest and thoughtful consideration by the Town’s officials. A video of the entire workshop is available for viewing at Watch it and judge for yourself.
Our officials are more influenced by the distortions and promises of EDP (whose only objective is to make money), than by the legitimate efforts of a substantial number of people who make this community their home to scale down EDP’s project. How can this be possible? What motivates our officials?
EDP has elected to apply to the Article X Siting Board of the New York State Public Service Commission for approval of its project. I call on my neighbors and the officials of other towns and villages that stand to be affected by this project to voice their concerns about the scope of EDP’s project to the Siting Board. We can only hope that this process will be more open, honest and objective.
Jane Welsh, Town of Madison