(Oneida, NY – Oct. 2013) Officers of the Gorman Foundation recently joined with Oneida Public Library leaders to announce the foundation’s $200,000 pledge to the Oneida Public Library Capital Campaign, which is raising funds for the construction of a new library facility on the purchased lot between 456 Elizabeth St. and Main Street.
Standing on the lot for the passing of the ceremonial check (l. to r. in photo) were Eileen Kinsella, OPL board president; Joanne Larson, chair and treasurer of the Gorman Foundation’s board of trustees; Amanda Larson, the foundation’s president; Dr. Jim Sullivan, Sr., the foundation’s vice president; and OPL director Carolyn Gerakopoulos.
The Gorman Foundation’s mission is “to improve the quality of life for present and future generations and serves as the living legacy of Own T. Gorman, Catherine Cummings Gorman and Alice M. Gorman.”
With its focus on improving the quality of life in Madison County, the Gorman Foundation has given generous grants to numerous local not-for-profit organizations and established in Oneida the Mary Rose Clinic and the soon-to-be-opened Gorman Foundation Community Center in the Northside Shopping Center.