(Hamilton, NY- Oct. 2013) The Iroquois and Their Neighbors — Colgate professor Christopher Vecsey will examine the culture, history, religion, arts, politics, and laws of the Iroquois Indians from the period before European contact to the present day, including relations with New York State and the United States. Tuesdays, Oct. 8 and 22, and Thursdays, Oct. 10 and 17, 9:30-11:00 am, Colgate Bookstore, 3rd Floor Community Room.

The Future of Hamilton: Searching for the Greater Good — Lifelong Learning regular Dick Cheshire will moderate three discussions on issues critical to Hamilton. Oct. features HCS Superintendent Diana Bowers on Real Learning at Hamilton Central School.  Wednesday, Oct. 16, 7:00-8:30 pm, Hamilton Central School.

The Emancipation Proclamation at 150: What It Was in 1863 and What It Has Meant for Freedom by 2013 — Morrisville professor emeritus Norman Dann points out that The Emancipation Proclamation “legally freed no one.” Why was it issued and what did it do? Are all Americans free today, or do we still need emancipation from cultural bias? Wednesday, Oct. 23, 3:30-5:00 pm, Hamilton Public Library.

Contract Bridge: Defensive Play — Certified teacher Robert Elgie will help players improve their defense, including when and when not to follow guidelines for: making opening leads against no-trump and trump contracts; second-hand play; third-hand play; and how to interfere with declarer’s tactics for developing tricks. Thursdays, Oct. 24 and 31 and Nov. 7 and 14, 3:00-5:00 pm, Hamilton Public Library.

Jane Austen’s Emma, or Much Ado about Not(h)ing — Colgate English professor Margaret Maurer says she has “an abiding fear of fiction.” She says thinking about Emma (and other great novels and short stories) has had therapeutic results she likes to talk about with others. Emma will be the pretext for this lively discussion. Mondays, Oct. 28 and Nov. 11 and 25, 4:00-5:00 pm, Hamilton Public Library.



By martha

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