County Seal(Town of Lincoln, NY – Oct. 25, 2013) The FREE shredding event hosted biannually by the Madison County Dept. of Solid Waste and Sanitation is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 26. This is a bit later this usual, but has been scheduled to coincide with the Safe Pill Collection that will also be held on Oct. 26.

The shredding event will run from 9 a.m. to noon and the safe pill collection will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Buyea Rd. Landfill site in the Town of Lincoln. The site is three miles south of the traffic light on Rt. 5 in Wampsville; follow South Court St. to Buyea Rd.

Identity theft continues to plague Americans. Take advantage of this free service by shredding your personal and confidential documents, said Director James Zecca.

Director Zecca, Recycling Coordinator Sharon Driscoll, Assistant Recycling Coordinator Mary Bartlett and a crew from CONFIDATA in Utica will be on hand to assist residents interested in taking advantage of this FREE offer to shred up to three cubic feet (three file boxes) of confidential material on site October 26.

For more information call the Recycling hotline at 1-800-721-2208.

Tree Trivia

Each year the average American uses 681 pounds of paper the equivalent of one 100-foot tall tree, 18 inches in diameter. Recycling paper saves trees, energy and water.

The United States uses 100 million tons of paper a year and use is increasing. Paper accounts for about 40 percent of all municipal waste.

Can tossing your used paper in a recycling bin instead of the garbage really make much difference? Yes. Your environmental responsibility can give new life to used paper.

Every ton of paper recycled saves more than 3.3 cubic yards of landfill space.

Paper recovered from recycling accounted for 37 % of all fiber used by the U.S. paper industry in 2003. More than 80% of all paper mills in the U.S. use recovered paper to make new products.

Making new paper and other products from recycled paper saves between 60 to 70 percent of the energy that would be used in the manufacturing process if these products were made from virgin pulp.

When it comes to recycling, we can all do our part! In the U.S. today, 50.3% of all paper Americans used was recovered in 2003, that’s nearly 48 million tons. More paper is recovered in America for recycling then all other materials combined!

The United States has about the same amount of land covered by trees as it did 100 years ago.

Each year, 1.5 billion trees are planted in the United States

A healthy, vigorous and growing forest actually consumes massive amounts of carbon dioxide from the air.

The first Arbor Day was celebrated in 1872 in Nebraska. On January 4, 1872, J. Sterling Morton proposed a tree-planting holiday to be called “Arbor Day” at a meeting of the State Board of Agriculture. – Thus, J. Sterling Morton is the farther of Arbor Day.

The oldest living thing on earth is a 4,700-year-old bristle cone pine tree located in California.

The poem “Trees” that begins, “I think that I shall never see, A poem lovely as a tree”, was written by Joyce Kilmer





By martha

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