mecs induction for webPictured back row from left: Christine Boyden, Cloe King, Natalie Diable, Coby Merkle, Aaron Forward, Tyler Eaton and Andy Zamora. Front row: Colton Mennig, Jocelyn Martin, Brandon Case, Brooke Brown, Jessica Murray, Heidi Gorton, Emily Widger, Shelby Jones and Ariana Konieczko at Morrisville Eaton Middle-High School.

(Morrisville, NY – Nov. 2013) The Morrisville-Eaton Central School National Honor Society inducted 12 juniors and four seniors in a ceremony in the high school auditorium on Wednesday, Oct. 30.

MECS proudly carries on its long tradition of active membership since 1941. The National Honor Society ranks as one of the oldest and most prestigious national organizations for high school students. Chapters exist in three-fourths of the nation’s high schools. Membership is an honor respected throughout life.

Inductees needed to have a record of meeting high standards of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Members were selected by a faculty council selected annually by the principal. This council adjudicates membership issues for one year. This year’s Faculty Council consists of Mrs. Anderalli, Mr. Donker, Ms. Rapke, Mrs. Howlett, and Mrs. Yancey.

Each candidate must have a cu­mulative GPA of at least 88 percent. The Faculty Council then considers information from (1) the “Student Activity Information Form” filled out by the candidate and (2) a “Faculty Evaluation Form” completed by those who work di­rectly with these students. In a meeting supervised by the chapter advisers (non-voting, ex-officio members) the new members are chosen by majority vote of the Faculty Council.

With the candidates’ families, faculty, friends and fellow students were in attendance; the chapter’s 72nd  annual, traditional, candle lighting ceremony began with an introduction by the Chapter President, Avery Snyder who also spoke about Leadership. She was followed by chapter officers explaining the significance of each of the other three qualities esteemed by the society: Chapter Secretary Kayla Nodecker, spoke on Service; Chapter Treasurer, Shelby Brown, spoke on Scholarship; and Chapter Vice President Margaret Collins, spoke on Character. Following the lighting of the candles, President Chandler led new members in the chapter’s pledge and invited them to join their parents and faculty at a reception in the library.

All members and the chapter’s advisers, Mrs. Beth Geatrakas and Mr. David Kaun, would like to thank the following for their assistance in making the ceremony a success: Mr. McCarthy for music; Mr. Bowie and the Maintenance Department; the Principal, Mr. Brewer; the Home and Careers teacher, Mrs. Yancey; the Library Aide, Mrs. Roher; Guidance Counselors, Mrs. Anderalli and Mrs. Cesta; and the High School Secretaries, Mrs. Dailey and Mrs. Dorrance.

Above all, the advisers would like to offer hearty congratulations to the new members and their families.


By martha

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