(Cazenovia, NY – May 2015) The Commander of the Cazenovia American Legion Post 88, Richard Benner, calls the community to come to Memorial Park on Albany Street in Cazenovia on Monday May 25 to participate in the observance of Memorial Day. It is here that solemn ceremonies will be held, speeches given, wreaths laid, rifle salutes and taps played to honor those who have given their lives in the service to our country.
The Legion’s color guard will step off the parade to Memorial Park from the corner of Emory Avenue and Forman Street in front of the High School at 10:30 a.m. rain or shine.
Parade groups should start lining up at 10 a.m. Those organizations wishing to march in the parade, should contact the parade coordinator Frank Gallucci at 655-3652 for information.
Due to the solemn nature of Memorial Day, the Legion asks that there be no commercial or political activity in this parade and no candy thrown.
All veterans are welcome and encouraged to march. Vehicles will be available for those veterans who feel the long walk would be too strenuous. Veterans needing transportation to the parade and/or needing a ride in the parade should call Ron McDermott at 655-2037 or John Colligan at 655-2233 to make arrangements.
The parade will rest at Memorial Park where Post 88’s Commander Richard Benner will be the Master of Ceremonies. Joining him for a Chaplain’s moment of prayer and reflection will be the Rev. Richard Dickinson, Pastor of the Cazenovia Village Baptist Church on Seminary Street.
After receiving his Masters of Divinity at Trinity Divinity School in 1977, Dickinson has 38 years of pastoral experience in preaching, teaching and counseling. He has been the Pastor of the Cazenovia Village Baptist Church since 2007. Having received a M.S. degree in microbiology from the University of Montana in 1973, he is also a consulting microbiologist in analyzing contaminated structures.
Dickinson is married to May Yin, his wife of 39 years, and they have one son, Ephraim, who graduated from Columbia Medical School and is an orthopedic surgeon.
Our guest speaker will be Brigadier General Dawne L. Deskins who is the Director of Air Space and Cyber Operations for the Air National Guard. She is responsible for the operations, training and deployment of 105,600 Air Guardsmen assigned to 89 Wings and 570 mission support units, spanning 54 states, territories and the District of Columbia.
General Deskins was commissioned in 1984 through the Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps Program.
In 1995 Deskins separated from the Active Duty Air Force and joined the New York Air National Guard. She is a Master Air Battle Manager with experience in four command and control systems. She has commanded at multiple levels and served as a NORAD Battle Commander.
Deskins graduated from Skaneateles High School, Ithaca College with a Bachelor of Science and Florida State University with a Master of Science degrees. She resides in Cazenovia with her husband Tony. They have a daughter Brittany and a son Derek.
After the memorial ceremony, the parade will be ordered to march to its starting point. All parade participants are invited to the Cazenovia Fire House for a light lunch after the parade.
Other events for this Memorial Day will be:
*A noon memorial service will also be held by Post 88 at St. James Cemetery to honor veterans buried in all of our community cemeteries.
*3 p.m. observance of a National time of silence.
Graveside flags and regular flags are available at The Chamber of Commerce, 51 Albany St. 655-9243; Gissin Photography, 25 Williams St. 655-2224 and the American Legion 26 Chenango St.
Graveside flags for deceased veterans will be available at no cost to the veteran’s family. To obtain your flag for South Cemetery, go to The Cazenovia Town Office and for Evergreen Cemetery go to The Cazenovia Village Office. Graveside flags for St. James Cemetery will be handled by the American Legion.
The traditional poppy will be offered by Post 88’s Legion and Auxiliary members along the parade route and on Saturday May 23 before Memorial Day. Merchant locations for Saturday are Tops Market, Buyea’s, and Kinney Drugs.
For those veterans who wish to participate in the 8 a.m. Delphi Falls Memorial Day parade, meet at 6:45 a.m. at Dave’s Diner for breakfast and coordination.