(Cazenovia, NY – June 2014) Community Resources for Independent Seniors (CRIS) is celebrating its 5th year. This non-profit program began as a grass-roots initiative to address the needs of the community’s seniors, most importantly to help them enjoy quality, independent living in their own homes and in their home community. The “aging in place” or “aging in community” concept had been gaining much attention all across the country due to a large aging population who wants to stay independent as long as possible, engaging in their community, connecting with friends, neighbors and continuing to enjoy ameaningful life.
The success of CRIS is due to the strong support of the greater Cazenovia community, its local government, grant providers and the diligent work and creative thinking of its participants.
Its flagship program, CRIS-CAT (Cazenovia Area Transportation) was launched in 2010 and provides a free transportation service to residents 55 and older in the Cazenovia-Nelson-Fenner area, transporting residents to medical appointments, grocery stores, libraries, banks, friend’s homes, community centers, etc.
Since its inception, more than 2,000 rides have been provided to 175 passengers by 60 volunteer drivers accumulating more than 68,000 miles. These volunteer drivers donate their time, vehicle and fuel to provide this much needed service in a rural area. Another program initiated last year, the TimeBank, is a “pay it forward” program where members 21 years and older exchange services, which are measured by time. For each hour of services provided, a member earns one TimeBank hour of service from another member. Membership has been increasing as more residents learn about it and many diverse services are offered (pet-sitting, cooking, gardening, art work, tutoring, organizing, errand running, grocery shopping, simple carpentry and electrical work, community volunteering, etc.) Successful community-building TimeBanks are found all over the world and can provide a service particularly for seniors.
Other programs and services by CRIS include a Resource Directory, referral service, health and wellness fairs, workshops on Medicare and a Health Care Proxy/Power of Attorney and I-Pad trainings.
The senior housing committee continues to work to attract builders/developers for construction of senior housing. In September CRIS will begin to host an Alzheimer’s Disease caregivers support group.
In celebration of 5 years, a CRIS fund-raising event will be held at Lakeland Park in the village of Cazenovia on July 4 from 2 to 7 p.m. The Cowboy Barbeque will be grilling barbecue sandwiches, full dinners, serving cold drinks and more. Meal costs will include a donation to CRIS. Look for CRIS under the big white tent.
For more information about CRIS, visit www.callcris.org or call the CRIS office at 655-5743.