(Oneida, NY – Aug. 17, 2015) Jason S. Hydleburg, 35, of Williams Street, Oneida was issued an appearance ticket Aug. 13 on an alleged trash violation.
Tanya M. Chesebro, 33, of Lenox Avenue, Oneida was issued an appearance ticket Aug. 14 to appear in court to answer an alleged trash violation with a large accumulation of trash.
Nicholas W. Kampf, 56, of N. Main Street, Oneida was issued a criminal summons Aug. 13 on a charge of second-degree Criminal Contempt.
Matthew A. Martin, 44, of Vanderbilt Avenue, Oneida was charged Aug. 14 with Petit Larceny. He is alleged to have stolen merchandise from Herb Philipsons Store.
Scott C. Dryer, 45, of Earl Avenue, Oneida was charged Aug. 14 with Petit Larceny. He is alleged to have stolen merchandise from Herb Philipson’s Store.
Brian K. Johnson, 51, of E. Elm Street, Oneida was charged with violating the city noise ordinance with alleged loud music at 11:10 p.m. Aug. 14.
Keith Mottley, 24, of E. Garden Street, Rome was charged Aug. 14 with Driving While Intoxicated and Aggravated Driving While Intoxicated.