Hamilton Public Library News
By Hilary Virgil, Library Director
(Hamilton, NY – Dec. 2015) Searching for unique gifts? Come shop with us and support the Hamilton Public Library and Friends of the Library group. We have handcrafted earrings, unique notecards, and tote bags, available for you to purchase year-round.
Looking for a gift that keeps on giving? Consider selecting an item from our Wish Tree to add to our collection. Feel free to suggest a title or genre for us to focus on. Each item purchased through Wish Tree donations may include a special bookplate in honor or memory of someone special, and donors have the first-read option. This is a fine opportunity for you to honor someone special or to remember loved ones.
Want to recognize a caregiver or educator? How about giving the gift of a new book each month to a child from Madison County? Stop by the Library to pick up a donation envelope and we’ll be happy to help you sponsor a child’s participation in the Dolly Parton Imagination Library.
If you plan on doing holiday shopping online, consider supporting the Hamilton Public Library and our Wowbrary subscription at no additional cost to yourself. It is as easy as going to http://wowbrary.org/hamilton to start your Amazon shopping, and Amazon will give a percentage of your purchase back to our library. Or, shop local—the Colgate Bookstore donates 13 percent of book sales from their in-store children’s and adult events to the Hamilton Public Library. Help celebrate the joy of reading while supporting both community cornerstones.
Additional information about Library resources, programs and policies, as well as access to our online services, is available through the Library website http://midyorklib.org/hamilton/. From the website, you can also sign up for our listserv and Wowbrary notices to receive emails about general Library news and newly added materials in our collections. Follow us on Facebook for up-to-date information about programs, special events, and other general Library-related information: http://www.facebook.com/HPL.books.
The Library is normally open Monday-Friday, 10am to 7pm, and Saturday, 10am to1pm. Please visit or call the Library (315) 824-3060 during these hours for assistance. The book drop at the front of the building is always available for your convenience.