(New Woodstock, NY – Dec. 2015) At a recent gathering, the New Woodstock Free Library recognized more than 30 volunteers who support the library with their time and skills.
“Volunteers do everything from checking out books at the circulation desk to gardening, organizing exhibits, shelving and a variety of other work essential to the operations, services and programs of a modern library,” said Library Director Norm Parry. “Without them we couldn’t do half of the things we can do with their help.”
Special recognition was given to Volunteer of the Year Rachel Hunt, who works at the circulation desk and repairs books.
“She’s our whole book repair department,” said Parry. “She’s saved a lot of replacement costs and preserved numerous valuable books.”
The library will be closed Dec. 24, 25 and 26 and Dec. 31 and Jan. 1.
For more information on library events, programs and services, call 315-662-3134, or visit online at www.midyork.org/newwoodstock. Call for a schedule of children’s programs and a 2016 library events calendar.
The library is open Monday-Friday 1-5 pm, Monday and Wednesday evenings from 7-9 pm, and Saturdays from 10-1 p.m. The library is also open whenever the blue library flag is displayed.