Michelle Rounds
Michelle Rounds
Michelle Rounds

Tai Chi Chuan will meet again on Monday April 25 at 6:30pm. Join MSC Professor, Bill Snyder, as he shares with you various techniques of this art form. They are always looking for new people so stop in today. They meet every Monday until June. If you can’t make that day, join them on May 2!

Join us for Kiddies Korner, our preschool story hour! Bring your preschool child on Tuesday April 26, at 10am as we will be reading about “In My Pretty Garden”! Stories, finger plays, rhymes, crafts and more! Can’t make that day then join us again on Tuesday May 3 for stories about being “Flowers and our Moms!”

On Wednesday April 27 join us for “Good Nutrition, Smart Shopping” at 1:00pm. Join Anna Kortright, a nutritionist with Eat Smart New York (ESNY) as she talks about several different strategies for saving money on groceries. Participants will receive a free cutting board! ***PLEASE SIGN UP AT THE CIRCULATION DESK STARTING NOW. ***

Be sure to join us on Friday April 29 for our Family Movie Night at 7:00pm. We provide the popcorn so bring the family and your own beverage! We are showing the next movie in the Alvin series: The Road Chip! Bring the family in!

On Thursday May 5 our Essential Oils program will be back at 6:30pm. Join Robin Suarez as she shares with you how to better your life naturally. Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds found in flowers, seeds, bark, roots and other parts of plants. You can use them in various different ways! Come see how!

On Friday May 6 we are having an Adult Movie Night at 7:00pm. We provide the popcorn, bring your own beverage and join us! We are showing the movie, The Revenant. PLEASE NOTE: It is rated R, so we will not let anyone view the movie who is under 17 without an adult present. Remember the movie ends after we close so if you have library business to do, come early before the movie starts!

We are open Monday, Wednesday and Friday 12pm to 8pm, Tuesday and Thursday 10am to 8pm and Saturday 10am to 4pm.

By martha

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