We extend a warm welcome to all women in the Madison/Oneida County region interested in joining us for a wonderful night of networking and great food among women in these and surrounding counties. We will be meeting onWednesday, April 20th at 6:00 pm the American Legion in Waterville located at 8083 US-20.
The meeting will begin with delicious food, catered by Michael’s Italian Restaurant. We will be joined by the Stockbridge FFA Ag-Issues team as they present on the proposed $15 minimum wage as a way to prepare for their state competitions. Then representatives from the Estate Planning Law Center will be presenting a short informational session on estate planning. Finally we will introduce a few ladies that want to welcome the efforts of having “Women For Ag” discussion groups in our counties, as they did years ago. They will join in the networking as we round out the evening.
The “Women For Ag” discussion group is for all women in agriculture, those who have attended an Annie’s Project workshop, those women that are in service provider rolls in agriculture, and those that support agriculture, it could be your Mom, your sister, or a friend.
If you are interested in attending this forum, sharing a free meal with us and plenty of networking, contact Katherine at 315-684-3001 or emailkmb279@cornell.edu. or Bonnie Collins at 315-736-3394 ext 104 or emailbsc33@cornell.edu.
We do need you to register, by April 18th, with either Katherine or Bonnie, as this event is in part being sponsored by The Estate Law Center and need to have a count.