Butter plant grant, BAN for new backhoe, municipal insurance, grievance day and revaluation on the agenda
Monday, June 13, 7:30 p.m.
I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance
II. Privilege of the Floor
III. Approval of Minutes
IV. Payment of Bills and Claims
V. Town Officer Reports
Planning Board Chair/Board of Appeals Chair/LMLL Committee
Town Justice
Dog Control Officer
Code Enforcement Officer- follow-up on pending enforcement matters
Town Assessor- Grievance Day/Re-valuation
Town Clerk/Tax Collector
Highway Superintendent
8 p.m.Presentation by Mang Insurance on municipal insurance coverage
VI. Resolutions
Approving town municipal insurance carrier – NYMIR/Mang Insurance
State Retirement Work Day for retirees
BAN for backhoe
Other resolutions – fund transfers, budget amendments
VII. Discussion Items
Highway road repair updates, NY Rising status
Proposed grant application for Kriemhield butter plant with Hamilton Initiative
Code Enforcement issues and policy/ follow-up- violation letters/notices
Natural gas updates – federal, state and local, Emkey bankruptcy
Grievance Day update
Other issues/old business
VIII.Executive Session (if necessary)
IX. Privilege of the Floor
X. Adjournment