Hemp History Week will be celebrated at the Oxford Farmers’ Market, this Saturday, June 18, 10 am to 12 noon. Earl Callahan, John Van Lierde, and Fred Lanfear—all three retired and curious educators—will lead “Hemp, Hemp, Hooray!” an informative program designed to tell us everything we want to know about this noble plant.
Hemp is an excellent source of food with high nutritive value, and is a key component in over 25,000 different products ranging from paper, clothing, and skin creams to building materials, compression-molded automobile parts, animal bedding, and insulation with a high-R value.
The program will cover hemp farming, past and present, and new legislation signed by our governor that allows New York producers to grow and research hemp with an eye to develop a vibrant NY-based hemp industry. Many products made from hemp will be on display.
This is not to be missed. Drop by the bandstand between 10 am and 12 noon for the jam-packed 15-minute program to learn about hemp in-depth and its possibilities for NY agriculture. This program is free and open to the public.
The Oxford Farmers’ Market takes place in Lafayette Park, Route 12, in Oxford, every Saturday, 9 am to 12 noon, with several vendors staying until 1 pm. New to market this week: Hempful Granola by Holler Farm and grass-fed Angus beef cuts and hamburger from Maple Hill Farm.
For more information about the Oxford Farmers’ Market, call 607.843.5699 or email freshfromyourneighbors@gmail. com.