letters to the editorTo the Editor:

It’s astonishing to me that a public official would deny and deceive people about not having involvement in a lawsuit, but Assemblywomen Claudia Tenney did exactly that.

The background of the case is simple and straightforward: Tenney sued her Republican rival George Phillips in New York State Supreme Court to try and throw him off of the Republican ballot over the accusations that Phillips fraudulently obtained signatures on his petitions, a move that ultimately backfired, as Mr. Phillips was cleared of any wrongdoing by the judge overseeing the case.

Ms. Tenney was recently interviewed on a local radio program and was asked about the lawsuit and petitions. Tenney denied having any involvement with the lawsuit stating that she’s been busy working in Albany.

With her being a lawyer by profession, she certainly would know that a lawsuit of that magnitude would be a matter of public record, and it certainly was. I was able to obtain a transcript of the hearing and her name appears numerous times as a plaintiff against Mr. Phillips. We already have enough elected officials that like to deceive us, we don’t need another one. She is the wrong choice to represent us in Congress.

Scott Stannard, Cortland

By martha

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