Clear Path for Vets and the Betty Deeley Scholarship Endowment of the New York State Golf Association have received gifts totaling $1,000 from the Central District Women’s Golf Association.
Clear Path for Vets, based in Madison County, is a resource center that serves as a hub of information, programs and resources for New York veterans. The organization focuses on helping veterans to restore, reconnect and integrate. Located on 76 acres of fields and woodlands in Madison and Onondaga counties, Clear Path serves veterans in a 23-county area of Central New York. An integral part of its services is its Warrior Golf Program, which “leverages the expertise of golf pros throughout New York State and offers camaraderie and physical activity within the natural beauty of the golf course environment.”
The Betty Deeley Scholarship Endowment is the first endowed scholarship of the NYS Golf Association. It was established in honor of Deeley, who passed away earlier this year. Deeley was chairwoman of the NYS Girls’ Junior Amateur Championship for 42 years, and chair of the NYS Women’s Amateur championship for 36 years. The scholarship in her honor will provide $7,500 per year for up to four years for a female golfer who best personifies Deeley’s passion and commitment to the game of golf. For many years, Deeley play in the CDWGA representing her home club, McConnellsville.
The Central District Women’s Golf Association is comprised of 9-hole golfers from nine courses in Oneida and Madison counties: Cedar Lake Golf Club, Crestwood Golf Club, Kanon Valley, McConnellsville, Oneida Community, Sadaquada Golf Club, Skenandoa Country Club, Teugega Counrty Club and Yahnundasis Golf Club. The association meets for nine tournaments each summer.
The charitable contributions made by the CDWGA are drawn from the association’s treasury and contributions from members.