Elections are difficult. For the public it can be hard to choose among the candidates – as we saw in the Republican Presidential Primary race & still in the Democratic battle. It’s even harder as a candidate. I know, from my experience running for Congress.
But the challenge, for the public and candidates, gets harder when mud-slinging occurs. Negative attack ads that obscure facts, or only present part of the truth, only serve to blindside voters and make elections a battle of political insiders & PAC money vs. the People.
I’ve seen this firsthand, as a political commentator and candidate. A unique perspective few share. That’s why I support Claudia Tenney. She has the best combination of Experience, knowledge, and determination. It’s why the Conservative Party and NRA both endorsed her. It is the reason the Grow the Economy PAC has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in negative attack ads filled with deception.
I’ve known George Phillips for 6 years, since I covered his run for Congress in 2010. I have met Steve Wells twice now, each time he left the events to avoid me. I’ve known Claudia Tenney since 2013. I have researched all their positions and actions. Critically and personally Claudia Tenney is who I support – openly & publicly – for the NY-22 congressional seat.
Michael “Vass” Vasquez, Writer – Binghamton Political Buzz, 2013-14 congressional candidate for the NY-22 District, 18th Election District Committeeman for Broome County Republican Party