AUGUST 2, 2016
6:30 P.M.
*Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance / Moment of Silence / Roll Call
PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Local Law authorizing a property tax levy in excess of limit allowed in General Municipal Law
*Approval of minutes regular meeting 07/19/16
*Approval of Warrant No. 15
1. ORDINANCE AMENDMENT: Adopt an Ordinance amending the City Code Chapter 139 Sewers, Part 3; Article VIII, §139-66 and §139-68 regarding lateral construction. (Rauscher)
2. LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL: Receive and place on file the standardized notice form for the liquor license renewal for the American Legion Post 169. (Pulverenti)
3. DOG FEE SCHEDULE: Adopt the City of Oneida Dog Fee Schedule, as recommended the Wanderers Rest Humane Association, to standardize the impoundment fees among all Madison County Towns and the City of Oneida. (Pulverenti)
4. PURCHASING POLICY: Approve the amended Purchasing Policy. (Pease/Matzke)
5. LEASE AGREEMENT: Authorize the Mayor to sign a Transportation Lease Agreement with the Oneida City School District to transport senior citizens to the New York State Fair. (Griff)
6. BUDGET TRANSFERS: Approve budget transfers to cover the cost of bulletproof vests not reimbursed through the grant, to close out Capital Project 14-4 Bullet Proof Vests, to close out Capital Project 15-1 Kallet and Armory Capital Improvements and to transfer funds for influent motor repair. (Pease/Rauscher)
7. ALARM PERMIT: Receive and place on file a letter from Randy Jones, and further approve a waiver of the Alarm Permit Late Fee for A & R Storage, 648 Fitch Street. (Chamberlain)
8. CAPITAL PROJECT 16-05: Amend Capital Project 16-05 Annual Street Reconstruction and Resurfacing (CHIPS funding) in the amount of $59,143.00, funds received from the NYS DOT Pave NY Program, for a total Capital Project amount of $417,506.00. (Rauscher)
9. ADA TRANSITION PLAN: Receive and place on file the City of Oneida interim American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan. (Rauscher)