Dear Fellow Sullivan Republicans and Neighbors:
I am honored to be the Town Republican Committee’s nominee for Sullivan Highway Superintendent, and I am writing today to ask for your support in the Republican primary election Sept. 13. In March, we lost 57-year employee, Highway Superintendent Sonny Centner. The Sullivan Town Board decided that the position should remain vacant until this fall’s election. In the meantime, someone had to oversee day-to-day operations; as supervisor, that task fell to me.
I’ve been doing the job since then – with no extra compensation, saving the town about $100,000 this year. After I got into it, I discovered I really enjoyed it and decided to run for the position. If I win the office of Highway Superintendent, I will vacate the Office of the Town Supervisor at the end of the year. Two members of the Town Board have expressed interest in assuming the responsibilities of that position.
At the County, in my position as the Chairman of the Board, I am deeply involved in decisions at the Highway Department, as well as the rest of our $130 million budget and 650 employees. I have been an advocate for lower taxes while managing the monumental task of modernizing our fleet of heavy equipment, patrol and passenger cars, as well as pickup trucks.
At the Town, I worked with Sonny for more than 10 years, meeting with him at least weekly to review budgets and road schedules, to address employee issues and develop a replacement rotation plan. Thanks to that constant contact, it was a seamless transition for me to step in, working to fill a legendary pair of shoes while we anticipate the election of a permanent superintendent.
As a farmer, I am no stranger to long hours; the operation, maintenance and repair of equipment; scheduling and budgeting time and money for each year and season – all transferable skills that have helped me serve constituents in my years of public service.
My leadership record is unsurpassed. I have been the Chairman of the Board for nearly nine years, New York State Association of Counties Native American Affairs Committee vice chairman for four years, and a member of the National Association of Counties Board of Directors for three years.
With the support of our teams at the Town and County, I have overseen countless projects worth millions of dollars. I also am the budget officer for our town, overseeing the entire town budget, including the Highway Department, which makes up the biggest expenditure for the Town of Sullivan. Some of the projects include:
- $14 million Bridgeport Sewers
- $2 million West Sullivan Sewer
- $3 million sewer line to the County Landfill
- $20 million County E911 radio system replacement
- $4 million water line to the County Landfill in Lincoln
Research, networking and diligence paid off in $15.5 million in grant money to help pay for these projects.
The Highway Superintendent job is not a road construction operation; its function is a road and inter-dependent infrastructure maintenance operation. The Superintendent must adhere to a schedule of necessary maintenance of various capital investments while utilizing crews to the best of their abilities to achieve the greatest efficiency while addressing a host of unexpected tasks that keep the phone ringing 24/7/365.
All this has to be done within budget and within the parameters of our fluctuating seasons, simultaneously keeping equipment maintained, ditches cleared and culverts free of obstruction.
In closing, I am asking for your vote in the Republican Primary Sept. 13, 2016. I love our Town and am 100-percent dedicated to moving Sullivan forward.
Thank you in advance for your vote and support.
Sincerely, John M. Becker