In this current election season, I am feeling like a member of a “silenced majority.” This is not only because as a senior woman I know from history and personal experience how members of my gender were literally silenced for most of human history. It is because I see Hillary Rodham Clinton speaking to many closed minds when she sets out plans for making America better for all of us.
I feel silenced because I AM enthusiastic about Hillary Rodham Clinton, but the media repeats 24 hours a day that there is no such enthusiasm. Like Garrison Keillor, I AM inspired by her courage and stamina in the face of insults and unproven accusations. Like many others, I admire Clinton’s perseverance in the face of derisive chants accusing her of criminality when no specific charges have ever been justified by decades of expensive investigations.
Late-breaking and inappropriate innuendo will not cause me to ignore the fact that Clinton respects science in seeking effective action regarding climate change. It will not close my ears to her long-standing commitment to finding a way toward affordable health care for all. It will not cause me to forget her extensive experience in legislative, administrative and diplomatic positions.
Clinton’s major opponent has no experience in elective office and has shown limited knowledge of public policy, scientific evidence, and international relations. In contrast, she has spent her life, not in a search for fame, but for policies to protect social and economic justice. She receives high marks even from opposing partisans for her willingness to work hard and with others. She has admitted her mistakes. Her opponent, never having held a position of public responsibility, has no record that is subject to comparable scrutiny and does not even make his tax reports public.
See Clinton’s proposals at Do not close your ears by believing the false interpretations chanted by political enemies and overwrought media. This ugly election should not blind us to the fact that we are choosing the most important leader in the world. Be silenced no more: Vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Wanda Warren Berry, Hamilton