Carson Clabeaux of New Woodstock was among The University of Scranton’s College Democrats and College Republicans clubs who jointly hosted watch parties for the presidential and vice presidential debates. The clubs also hosted an “Election Day Count Down” Tuesday, Nov. 8, to watch the election night results.
From left: representing the College Democrats club are Peter Zabiegala of Scranton, Pennsylvania, development officer and international business and economics double major; Emily Lundeen of Allentown, Pennsylvania, student outreach officer and counseling and human services major; Sergey Gnilopyat of Harding, Pennsylvania, vice president and biochemistry, cell and molecular biology major; Sarah Laga of Westbury, New York, secretary and international studies major; and Joseph Delmar of Flourtown, Pennsylvania, president and biophysics and philosophy double major; representing the College Republicans club are Carson Clabeaux of New Woodstock, New York, president and biology major; Natalie Russo of Livingston, New Jersey, treasurer and finance and economics double major; Thomas Meehan of Elmhurst Township, Pennsylvania, secretary and economics major; Schuyler Smith of Towanda, Pennsylvania, director of communications and political science major.