pathwaysPathways Wellness Center provides peer support to adults living in Madison County who may be experiencing barriers to achieving their personal wellness and recovery goals. Through hope, empowerment, modeling, and meaningful relationships, peers and volunteers offer assistance to individuals in managing the struggles of day-to-day life.
Located at 148 Main St. Oneida, the Pathways Wellness Center is a program of Liberty Resources, Inc., operated by a collection of peers and volunteers who have experienced their own life challenges.
Peers assist individuals with navigating the ever changing and complicated network of services, acquiring benefits, developing natural supports and social relationships, and achieving their life goals.
Our peers provide access to a range of resources that enables individuals to explore their personal passions, interests, and recovery needs and connect to their community. By sharing our personal experiences we are able to inspire hope and empower individuals to improve their quality of life.
Eligibility Criteria
Adults, 18 years or older
Reside in Madison County
Are struggling with a mental health condition
Self-referrals and walk-ins are welcome. Referrals are also accepted from community providers, family members, or friends. Our one-page referral form can be downloaded here or can be provided at the Wellness Center.
Warm Line
During the hours when the center is not open, a warm line is available for 24-hour access to peer support. For 24/7 crisis services, please call the Madison County crisis line at (315) 366-2215. If you are in need of immediate medical assistance, please dial 911.

By martha

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