The Oneida Common Council will meet at 6 p.m. Nov. 21, 2017, in Common Council Chambers, Municipal Building, 109 N. Main St., Oneida.
*Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance / Roll Call
Miscellaneous Utility Billing
2018 Mayor’s Budget
*Approval of minutes of the regular meeting 11/08/17 and special meetings 11/13/17 and 11/14/17
*Approval of Warrant No. 24
1. LEASE AGREEMENT: Authorize the Mayor to sign the three-year lease agreement by and between the City of Oneida and the Greater Oneida Kallet Civic Center, Inc. (Mayor/Acker)
2. BUDGET AMENDMENTS/TRANSFERS: Approve a budget amendment to reallocate funds received from workers compensation insurance to cover salaries, and further approve budget transfers to reallocate funds for ERS Retirement, for electric and gas expenses for the remainder of the year, for salaries for the snow and ice overtime account, and for the estimate received from General Code. (Wells)
3. ORDINANCE AMENDMENT: Receive and place on file an Ordinance change to amend the City of Oneida Code Chapter 33, Article II, §33-4 Building Permits (1) so as to coincide with the International Building Code and schedule a public hearing for Dec. 5, 2017, at 6:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers at 109 N. Main St. (Pulverenti/Baron)
4. PROPOSED LOCAL LAW: Receive and place on file a proposed Local Law to amend Chapter 190 Zoning to regulate hydroponic commercial agricultural business uses and schedule a public hearing for December 5, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at 109 N. Main Street, Oneida. (Bell)
5. SALT RESOLTION: Approve a Resolution expressing opposition to any federal tax reform legislation that would eliminate or limit access to the State and Local Tax Deduction and further, urge our congressman to oppose any such bills. (Mayor)
6. MONTHLY REPORTS: Receive and place on file monthly reports from the Chamberlain, City Clerk, City Engineer, Comptroller, Department of Planning and Development, Fire Department, Housing Codes Enforcement, Police Department and Recreation Department.