Burgess busy in June
June 2018 has been a busy month for Thomas Burgess, the pastor of Hope Christian Fellowship of Canastota and a case supervisor with Onondaga County Adult Protective Services.
Two special services with guest ministry Andy and Cathy Sanders of Capturing the Supernatural were co-sponsored by Hope Christian Fellowship and Believers’ Chapel of Canastota Sunday, June 3, 2018.
Representatives of the Canastota Area Association of Churches marched in the annual Boxing Parade of Champions Sunday, June 10, 2018. Carrying the banner for Hope Christian Fellowship were Pastors Thomas and Rene Burgess, pictured in row 4.
The 21st annual Elder Abuse Conference was presented by the Syracuse Area Domestic and Sexual Violence Coalition’s Elder Justice Committee on Thursday, June 14, 2018. Among the presenters were Myrna Koldin of Office for Aging and Thomas Burgess of Adult Protective Services, pictured with keynote speaker Alan David Berkowitz, PhD, renowned psychologist and social norms consultant.
Friday, June 15, 2018, was World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Among those bringing awareness of this issue to visitors at the John H. Mulroy Civic Center in downtown Syracuse was Thomas Burgess, a supervisor in Onondaga County Adult Protective Services, pictured at the information table.