Wanderers’ Rest issues urgent heat warning for pets, livestock
To all our local friends, patrons and animal owners: This is an immediate and important message from Wanderers’ Rest Humane Association. It’s hot out there, and it is dangerous not only for people, but also their pets, livestock, horses and other animals.
Be sensible and bring them in when possible, provide shade, plenty of water, and do not push any unnecessary travel. Keep an eye on livestock in this kind of heat. Madison County is very well-populated with horses and livestock. Keep them cool, hydrated and watch them. Never travel in the car with pets in this heat; we all know the dangers too well.
Help your local animal control and dog control officers by keeping pets safe and inside whenever possible. The calls always increase for these officers during times like this when the heat index is too uncomfortable for people.
So friends, be wise; take care of yourself, watch elderly neighbors or people who have no air conditioning or relief, and always use caution when letting pets outside for a walk or a break.
Provide relief if you must travel with any rescued animals, and keep it cool for them, have plenty of water on hand, even comfy cool mats that animals can lay on in carriers.
See your veterinarian immediately if there is a possible heat stroke or if in doubt. Enjoy your summer, but make it safe and humane for your pets, horses, livestock and even smaller caged pets.
For additional information on pets and heat safety see comfort24-7.com/info/article/surviving-the-heat-tips-for-your-pet.