(Norwich, NY – April 2015) The sixth free public film showing in the 2014-15 season of the ‘Second Tuesday’s Monthly Film Series’ will be at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 14 at the United Church of Christ, 11 W. Main, Norwich.
The film is chapter 2 of the documentary series by award winning Oliver Stone and American University History Professor Peter Kuznick titled “Untold History of the United States” and covers the roaring twenties followed by the great depression. Stone explains how these societal shocks provided the groundwork for World War II.
The objective of the series, which will be continued on the second Tuesdays for the next two months, is to reveal the hidden America and help us know and understand the complicated history of our country. The producers’ hope is that it will “prompt a much-needed conversation about the direction our country needs to go in to counter a century-plus, and we believe disastrous, course of empire, war, and domination”.
The public is invited to come at 6:30 for a light supper before the showing, and to stay on for discussion. It is co-sponsored by Chenango Peace Action and C-CARE (Community Action for Renewable Energy). For more information, please call Chris @ 334-6095, or Ken at 895-6975. NOTE: It is requested that attendees please park on the street, in the nearby municipal Hayes St. or County Office Bldg. parking lots; not in the church’s lot.