To the Editor:
(Sept. 2015) A few weeks ago, seven attorneys wanted to be our Madison County Judge – now only four. Good attorneys present their clients in the best possible way to get the clients what the clients want. If truth and facts are inconvenient, they are merely obstacles to be overcome. Presentation skills reign supreme.
Good judges listen to both sides with an open mind, weigh the facts, and look for the truth – before making their decision. Good listening skills reign supreme. Life experiences can help.
Judge Patrick O’Sullivan is the ONLY CANDIDATE WITH EXPERIENCE AS A JUDGE! He knows firsthand the difference between a good attorney and a good judge. He is both.
Judge Patrick’s life experiences also make him better qualified than any of the other candidates. He has practiced law in Federal, State, and local courts. He has represented defendants and plaintiffs. His cases range from family matters to criminal matters. He has lived in big cities, Madison County, and in other States. He is also a teacher – originally science; now law. He has the relaxed, thoughtful demeanor of a good judge.
Some of his opponents claim they will make the best family court judge – ignoring the inconvenient truth that Madison County Judges preside over three courts. Only one hears family matters. The other two hear inheritance and CRIMINAL cases. Our judges must be able to handle all three! A good judge has the qualities that enable them to do any of the three equally well.
It is very important for all of us that we elect the best possible candidate for Madison County Judge. Judge Patrick O’Sullivan is that candidate and deserves our vote.
George Puzey, Cazenovia