Steve Hayes
 Steve Hayes presents classic film at New Woodstock Free Library Jan. 22 and at the Cazenovia Public Library Jan. 23.

Steve Hayes presents classic film at New Woodstock Free Library Jan. 22 and at the Cazenovia Public Library Jan. 23.

(Cazenovia, New Woodstock, NY – Jan. 2016) In a return appearance, award winning comedian Steve Hayes will bring his zany humor and vast knowledge of film history to the New Woodstock Free Library on Friday Jan. 22 at 7 p.m. for a showing of the movie “To Kill a Mockingbird.”Admission is free, but seating is limited. Call 315-662-3134 for a reservation.

Hayes will repeat the program at the Cazenovia Public Library at 2 p.m. on Saturday Jan. 23.

“Steve’s last performance at the New Woodstock library, featuring the film noire classic “Double Indemnity,” played to a full house,” noted Library Director Norm Parry.

Based on his informative and often hilarious YouTube show “STEVE HAYES: Tired Old Queen at the Movies LIVE!” Steve will be returning to his hometown to discuss the legendary film version of Harper Lee’s classic novel “To Kill A Mockingbird” (1962) starring Gregory Peck in his Academy Award winning role as Atticus Finch.

Following a screening of the film, Steve will answer questions from the audience, adding his irreverent humor, anecdotes and surprises.

“Its 129 minutes of the best show in town,” said Parry. “And it corresponds with the CNY Reads One Book promotion of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ as the book selection of the year,” he added.

Visit for more information of the CNY Reads program.

For more information on library events, programs and services, call 315-662-3134, or visit online at   Call for a schedule of children’s programs and a 2016 library events calendar.

The library is open Monday-Friday 1-5 pm, Monday and Wednesday evenings from 7-9 pm, and Saturdays from 10-1 p.m.   The library is also open whenever the blue library flag is displayed.


By martha

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