To the Editor:
I wholeheartedly agree with Undersheriff John Ball’s campaign slogan of “Keep What’s Working.” Not only is Undersheriff Ball working as Acting Sheriff, he is working admirably, as always. In my professional position, I have worked with Undersheriff John Ball on a number of projects and programs over the past seven years including the local and statewide campaign “Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws”; expanding access to safe pill collection through the placement of kiosks around the county; STOP-DWI prevention, education and intervention; and consultation on employee safety issues. For five years, Undersheriff Ball served on the Board of Directors of BRiDGES.
In addition to his role with governance, he served on the committee to review policies and procedures related to personnel issues. Undersheriff Ball was accessible, thoughtful, and he always brought a wealth of experience in administration and best practices to each question and meeting.
Undersheriff John Ball is an asset to the residents of Madison County because of his passion for public safety, his leadership, and his years of experience. Our county deserves to keep what’s working when it is working so well.
I enthusiastically endorse Undersheriff John Ball for Sheriff.
Susan Jenkins, Cazenovia