To the Editor:
(Oneida, Canastota, NY – Sept. 21, 2015) On Aug. 15 the fourth annual Strike Back for Stoch Golf Tournament was held to raise money to support three athletic scholarships in memory of my brother, Stanley “Stoch” Nodine, a life-time Oneida resident who lost his battle to cancer in 2012.
The event was held at the Casolwood Golf Course in Canastota. The tournament was the most successful to date thanks to the support of family and friends and those who made donations.
My family, who organizes the tournament, would like to thank the following people who contributed to its success.
We would like to thank Rick Quick, Diana, Corey, Robby and all the staff at Casolwood Golf Course for allowing us to host the tournament there, contributing prizes and putting on a great meal.
We would like to send a huge thank you to the golfers. Many have stayed with us from the beginning and continue to come back. Without them this would not be possible.
We would like to thank our sponsors: Richard L. Frink Jr. (Financial Automotive Results LLC), Oneida Molded Plastics, Campbell-Dean Funeral Home, Choo-Choo Charlie’s, M3P Media LLC – Madison County Courier and Shirley Nodine.
We thank these contributors: Jim and Becky Clinch, Joe Kiah, American Food and Vending and Darrin Smith, Sovena USA and Kim Shlotzhauer, Maracia Smith, Val Pollock, Deb Palmer, Bob and Jo Frink, Jody Lloyd, Devin Mennig and anyone else who contributed raffles, made monetary donations and those who sold and purchased raffles tickets.
We would also like to thank family and friends who joined us for the meal, which contributed to its success.
Personally, I would like to thank my husband, Jeff, for his countless hours spent putting this thing together; our daughter Molly; my sister, Debbie and her husband, Paul; my brother, Doug and his wife, Trudy; my nephew, Dougy and my niece, Kaylee. We make a great team. Stoch would be so proud.
Margo Frink, Oneida