IMG_1271The First Presbyterian Church in Cazenovia will celebrate a Palm Sunday worship service at 10 a.m. March 2o.

Vincent Guarneiri, director of music, has planned a service of music. The Jubilante Youth Bell Choir will play “Holy, Holy, Holy” for the Prelude. The Senior Choir will sing the anthem “Blessed Is He!” by Lloyd Larson. The organ postlude will be “Pierce Heroique” by Cesar Franck The Dr.Reverend Virginia B. “Ginny” Smith will deliver the message This Doesn’t Make Sense. Reverend Smith’s message centers on two passages from the Gospel of

Rev. Smith’s message centers on two passages from the Gospel of Luke: Jesus’schurchfront triumphal entry into Jerusalem and then his appearance before Pilate. Smith is retired after 33 years of ordained ministry in the Presbyterian Church, having served most recently as the Associate Executive Presbyter for Ministry in the Chicago Presbytery. She received her Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, N.J., and her doctor of ministry degree from McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, Ill. She is currently on the staff at the Spiritual Renewal Center in Syracuse, as a spiritual director and workshop leader.

The children from the Sunday school will distribute Palms that have been made into crosses. The palm crosses are made by villagers in Tanzania providing them with much needed extra income.

Palm Sunday, also known as Passion Sunday, is the Sunday before Easter. Palm Sunday remembers Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem near the end his public ministry.

When Jesus entered the city with his entourage, people laid palm branches in the road before him and greeted him as the long-awaited Messiah. They shouted “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord.”

If you are looking for an open and friendly place to celebrate Palm Sunday, Pastor Smith invites you to worship at the First Presbyterian Church of Cazenovia. Child Care and Sunday School are available during the service. For more information contact the church at 315.655.3191 or visit

By martha

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